Manage your cash flow more effectively and enhance your earnings potential with an automated sweep solution. Automated sweeps provide credit advances when you need them and quickly and efficiently transfer excess funds into investments.
Your excess balances earn competitive rates while providing liquidity to meet your operating needs.
Maintain separate depository and disbursement accounts for record keeping, monitoring and control; and automate the daily cash consolidation between the accounts.
Minimize interest expense while maximizing interest income. A Loan Sweep automatically advances on your credit line when your operating account drops below a predetermined balance and automatically pays down the principal on your credit line when the operating account has excess funds.
Automatically invest excess cash balances overnight to earn a higher rate of return. more
Investment Sweep Products and Services offered through Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. (FIIS) are:
(1) NOT insured by the FDIC or any federal or state governmental agency (2) are NOT deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, Zions Bancorporation or its affiliates (3) and MAY be subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal value or amount invested
Current disclosure documents are available at this link
The Commerce Bank of Oregon, a division of Zions Bancorporation, N.A. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender NMLS# 467014
© 2024 Zions Bancorporation, N.A.